Thursday, February 28, 2008

The March Freebies are up!

I posted the list of March Freebies a few days early so the more ambitious among us can get started. LOL With the weekend coming up, you can get your materials together and start stitching right away.

This month's theme is flower or flower basket, and it should be a REALLY easy one to find a chart for. In fact, it will probably be harder to narrow things down! There's a ton of really nice freebies available. Some will require a little creativity and imagination to turn into ornaments, but most of them should work "as is". Also note that some of the designs are a little larger and may need to be stitched over one on a higher count fabric to bring the size down a little.

I've also included just a few designs available for purchase if you need help in that direction (or an excuse to buy new stash...), but I bet everyone has at least one flowery item in their stash somewhere. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!